Our Impact
I founded NextGen Intellect in 2023, soon after enrolling at The Hotchkiss School in the fall of 2023. During my period of applying to prep school, I realised that there were no local resources available for support on candidate materials such as my essays and interviews. In addition, the existing market for educational and consultant resources were very expensive, and for the first time I realised a major societal challenge for people in education. Furthermore, once starting classes at my new boarding school, I realised the even greater gap between privileged people’s access to education and those who are limited in varied ways. I realised that the educational resources I was offered may very well be drastically different from others who were less fortunate. With eyes fully opened, I launched NextGen Intellect in 2023 — a whimsical idea — but one whose efforts I will never leave behind, with the purpose to make sure financial or personal barriers are not hindrances to a fulfilling education and specifically access to STEM. I am forever grateful for the experiences and opportunities I have gathered, and for this reason, I want to share this path with others.
At the same time, I realised the importance of youth; specifically, the fact that the future all depends on the next generations. I gathered more and more peers to join my team, and now with the help of an ever-increasing force of passionate leaders, we now help younger students, especially those with struggles like that of immigrant families or an underrepresented communities to tackle academic opportunities and make life more memorable with STEM.
Since 2023…
Established social media group / community with ~200 members
A webinar was organized regarding applying to prep schools / boarding high school
Hosted a Regeneron ISEF Webinar (details see Event page)
Hosted an in-person Regeneron ISEF Seminar / Panel discussion (details see Event page)
Conducted surveys of STEM needs across multiple districts and schools
Help students with finding research opportunities— Quote Source— Quote Source
From the earlier events, Jerry realised that he can provide more help to immigrant younger students, not only on boarding school application, but also in both English writing and STEM fields.
Luke Liu
Shanghai Chapter President
Kevin Chen
Kansas Chapter President
Jingze Fang
Hayward Chapter President
Jiarui Sun
Shanghai Chapter Co-President
Jiayu Liu
Wuhan Chapter President
Elsa Wu
Miami Chapter President
Yihan Du
Beijing Chapter President